About Me

I am a 17-year-old, Sapiosexual, JEE Aspirant, Astrophile, Philomath, Polymath, Polyglot, Optimist, Perfectionist, Intellectual, INTJ-A 9w3, Agnostic-Atheist, Apolitical, Anarchist and Idealist.

Becoming a Billionaire is the final destination for me.

Not interested in girls who can't solve a simple arithmetic question in their mind. Please don't bring dishonor to my intellectual integrity. Narcissistic it may sound, but having high self-esteem and holding myself to high standards isn't explicitly unethical or aberrant. I also have a stark apathy towards licentious and dissolute women.

My favorite authors: Sir Richard Feynman, Resnick Halliday and Walker, lE lrodov, SS Krotov, Stephen Hawking, ltzykson, and Zuber.

My favorite TV shows: I don't watch TV.

My favorite subjects: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Palaeontology, Roman History, Cosmology, Rocket Science.

Languages I know:Hindi, English.

Languages I'm learning: Latin, Greek, Spanish.